Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for Summertime

There are several Young Living essential oil singles and blends that are very helpful in the summer. Listed below are a few suggestions to have on hand. For more detailed information, please contact me directly.

Insect Repellent:

Peppermint alone is great; mix several drops in distilled water and spray on exposed skin. Australian Blue and Palo Santo also repel mosquitoes.

Or, mix up this effective blend:

10 drops Citronella
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Idaho Tansy

Mix thoroughly in that order and then add to 4 oz. distilled or spring water in a spray bottle. (Always shake the mixture before using.)

(Please note:  I can prepare blends for you if you prefer.)

To cover a larger area, try diffusing citronella in a Young Living diffuser.

Tick Removal:

Apply 1 drop cinnamon, oregano or peppermint on a cotton swab and apply to tick. Then wait for it to release its head before removing from your or your pet’s skin.

Other tips:
Peppermint:  Very cooling when applied to the back of the neck. Add a drop to a bottle or glass of water to increase energy. Apply to areas of pain for headaches (avoid eyes). Can be used as an insect repellent and can relieve itching.

Ginger or Peppermint: Can relieve motion sickness and other digestive issues.

Lavender: Use for sunburn, insect bites, allergies, cuts, scrapes, and itching. I also love Young Living LavaDerm, a spray that includes both lavender and aloe vera.

Purification: Greatly reduces swelling and itching due to insect bites.

PanAway, Deep Relief, Helichrysum: All are good for pain relief.

Use Purification, Thieves, or Peppermint for poison ivy or poison oak.

Purification or Melrose can be used for swimmer’s ear.  (DO NOT put the oils directly into the ear canal. Rub around the outer ear or put a drop on a cotton ball and place gently just inside the ear.)

Thieves products: Take Thieves Spray or Wipes with you to disinfect while traveling. The Waterless Hand Purifier is fabulous and does not dry out your hands.

For pets, use Animal Scents Shampoo and Ointment for healthier coat and skin.

These are just a few of the many ways to use essential oils this summer. If you have a question about what to use for another issue, please contact me.

Have a wonderful summer!

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC  27511

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