Wednesday, December 13, 2017

This cold never had a chance!

Since this is, unfortunately, the season for colds and flu bugs, I wanted to share my personal experience knocking out a cold before it could really get started!

A couple of weeks ago, I woke up on a Wednesday with my throat feeling a little raspy. That day I took three Inner Defense capsules (from Young Living) and used the Thieves Spray on my throat a few times. I put Thieves blend on my feet. I also bumped up my Vitamin C. Thursday morning my throat really hurt, so I repeated my Wednesday regimen. Both days I had a slight sniffle.

When I woke up Friday, I pretty much felt normal! As a precaution, I repeated my regimen one more time. This “cold” was gone before it ever really got started!

This worked so well for me that you may want to try it if you feel a bug coming on. (If I’d had Emergen-C on hand I would have used that, too.)

What is your cold knock-out plan? Please share your tips with us! 

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)