Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sources for Info about Essential Oils

I’d like to share with you some of my favorite books and resources for using Young Living products.

I use my Essential Oil Desk Reference pretty much every day! There are several editions out there – I personally like some of the older ones.* There are smaller Pocket References as well; these make a great, inexpensive gift!

For books, my first choice is Life Science Publications. They have a great selection of books for pretty much any subject, from basics to children and pets. They also have accessories such as bottles and diffusers. They even have a daily blog!

Abundant Health is also a good resource company.

I frequently visit Oil-Testimonials, where you can search a topic to see what other people have tried and the results they achieved for that issue. Very informative!

The Young Living blogs have lots of recipes and great tips on all kinds of subjects. Click here to go straight to their food recipes; you can check out other subjects from here as well. (My newsletters now include a direct link to the YL blog as well.)

I’d love to hear about your favorite books and websites, please share!

*Sometimes you can find the older editions at

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)