Wednesday, December 13, 2017

This cold never had a chance!

Since this is, unfortunately, the season for colds and flu bugs, I wanted to share my personal experience knocking out a cold before it could really get started!

A couple of weeks ago, I woke up on a Wednesday with my throat feeling a little raspy. That day I took three Inner Defense capsules (from Young Living) and used the Thieves Spray on my throat a few times. I put Thieves blend on my feet. I also bumped up my Vitamin C. Thursday morning my throat really hurt, so I repeated my Wednesday regimen. Both days I had a slight sniffle.

When I woke up Friday, I pretty much felt normal! As a precaution, I repeated my regimen one more time. This “cold” was gone before it ever really got started!

This worked so well for me that you may want to try it if you feel a bug coming on. (If I’d had Emergen-C on hand I would have used that, too.)

What is your cold knock-out plan? Please share your tips with us! 

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The many benefits of diffusing essential oils

Are you using your favorite Young Living essential oils and blends in a diffuser? It’s a wonderful way to make your home or office “smell good,” provide an air of ambiance, or get rid of cooking odors. But there may be other advantages, too!

Diffusing EOs when someone is sick helps to purify the air. Thieves and Purification are good choices for this purpose. Everyone will feel better and it may help prevent the bug from spreading to others.

Many EOs can help you relax and maybe get a better night’s sleep. Try Lavender or Peace & Calming, two of my faves. Start the diffuser a few minutes before
bedtime so your bedroom will smell good even before you retire. The mist can help add a little humidity to the air as well.

Help calm the little ones with soothing EOs. In addition to Lavender and Peace & Calming, try Stress Away, Tranquil or Sleepyize from the KidsScents line.

You all know I’m quite the “oil snob!” I truly believe Young Living is unsurpassed in quality and has the best product line. In my opinion they are the innovators who everyone else tries to copy. But when it comes to diffusers, I’ll let it slide. I’ve loved every one that I’ve purchased from YL (and I have several), and the starter kits that include your choice of diffuser are great deals, but these days you can find them everywhere, including big box stores and online. Just get one! (Or two or three.)

What are your favorite EOs to diffuse?? Please share your faves so we can all try them!

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The 2017 Young Living Holiday Catalog Has Arrived!

The Young Living 2017 Holiday Catalog is now available! I’ve looked through the online version and, believe me, there are some great products for the whole family, including your pets. I can’t wait to place my order – and several items will be for ME!


(Friendly advice: Order right away as these products are in limited production and tend to sell out quickly! Call or email me any time with your questions or product requests!)

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Young Living in the news!

Have you noticed lately that Young Living is making waves in mainstream media? These images are just a few examples from this year, and Young Living also documents media mentions on their website. Keep your eyes peeled and let me know where you see Young Living mentioned!

Young Living, the world leader in essential oils!

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Benefits of Probiotics

Even if you aren’t taking a probiotic supplement, you’ve probably heard of them.

We need “friendly" or "good" bacteria and fungus in our intestinal system. Probiotics promote the growth of good bacteria and fungus and help destroy unwanted invaders. They support digestive health and our immune system. I don’t consider yogurt a very good source of probiotics because it is usually processed and has sugar for flavor. (And PLEASE don’t eat yogurt with aspartame or another artificial sweetener!!)

Our environment and the overuse of antibiotics dramatically reduces these valuable resources. I like Young Living’s Life 9 formula. Your supplement needs living bacteria and Life 9 has nine strains of living bacteria. It is also free from processing and artificial ingredients. If you feel your gut health (and immune system) need a boost, give Life 9 a try!

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Friday, July 14, 2017

Palo Santo wood in Ecuador

I visited Ecuador for the first time in June. What a beautiful country – with warm, friendly people!

You probably know that Palo Santo is a Young Living exclusive essential oil. It’s one of my favorites; to me it feels very spiritual, cleansing and protective. One day as I rounded a corner in downtown Cuenca, I smelled a wonderful scent from some wood pieces burning in a small can. A street vendor was selling small packages of the wood, and you could buy a can and the sand, too! A few minutes later it hit me, it was Palo Santo! In Ecuador, they burn the wood pieces for its healing properties and for cleansing spaces.

Of course, I had to buy a package. Now I can use my oil AND also experience Palo Santo as native Ecuadorians do! Have you used Palo Santo? If so, what do you like about it? Let me know on Facebook!

Unfortunately, I was not in the Guayaquil area so I didn’t get to visit the Young Living farm – next time, for sure!!

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Summer officially begins this month, so let’s chat about sunburn.

Personally, I like to use Young Living’s LavaDerm Cooling Mist if I get a little too much sun. It cools my skin and helps decrease the redness.

Other suggestions I have seen include diluting one drop of Peppermint oil in a carrier oil (such as YL’s V6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil); apply to affected area to help cool the tissue. It may also help reduce inflammation.

A blend you may want to try is Gentle Baby. I would add more Lavender when using it for this purpose, though.

So, enjoy the sunshine – we need it for Vitamin D and happiness – but keep these ideas in mind if needed.

What do you use for sunburn and skin inflammation? I’d like to hear from you!


Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Help for Summer Pests

Unfortunately, our beautiful spring and summer weather also brings unwanted pests to deal with. Essential oils can help!
To help repel mosquitoes, try Lemon, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, or Lemongrass. You can use topically or diffuse like I sometimes do on my patio.
I usually apply Purification (blend) to mosquito bites, which takes the itch away quickly and prevents swelling for me. You could also try Tea Tree, Lavender or Peppermint.
Other general insect repellents to try are Lime, Lavender, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, Geranium, Idaho Tansy, Rosemary, Patchouli, Citronella, or Thyme; and Purification, Thieves, or Melrose blends. As always, use what you have on hand!
To repel snakes, try a 50:50 mixture of Clove and Cinnamon Bark oils mixed with water in a spray bottle. Spray the areas you want snake-free.

I found a product (available at most hardware stores) called “I Must Garden,” which is based on essential oils. They have varieties for deer, rabbits, squirrels and more. The deer formula really helps in my yard; just remember to spray new growth, too – and it lasts through rain!

And for our pets – here are some ideas to help repel fleas and ticks. Yes, there are two different blends; use one in the morning and one at night.


Flea Blend

1/2 oz. base oil, like hazelnut or sweet almond
4 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Citronella
7 drops Peppermint
3 drops Lemon

Store in dark glass bottle. Apply 2-4 drops topically to neck, chest, legs, and tail base of the dog. Or add the drops to a bandanna or cotton collar.

Tick Blend

1/2 oz. base oil
2 drops Geranium
2 drops Rosewood
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Myrrh
1 bay leaf

See above for storage and application.

Cats are a different story. They are much more sensitive to essential oils, so I recommend you find a really good book and follow their instructions implicitly. The book I used for the flea and tick remedies is great and has information for all types and sizes of animals. Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals, by Kristen Leigh Bell.

And of course, I would only use Young Living products on my pets and myself!

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sources for Info about Essential Oils

I’d like to share with you some of my favorite books and resources for using Young Living products.

I use my Essential Oil Desk Reference pretty much every day! There are several editions out there – I personally like some of the older ones.* There are smaller Pocket References as well; these make a great, inexpensive gift!

For books, my first choice is Life Science Publications. They have a great selection of books for pretty much any subject, from basics to children and pets. They also have accessories such as bottles and diffusers. They even have a daily blog!

Abundant Health is also a good resource company.

I frequently visit Oil-Testimonials, where you can search a topic to see what other people have tried and the results they achieved for that issue. Very informative!

The Young Living blogs have lots of recipes and great tips on all kinds of subjects. Click here to go straight to their food recipes; you can check out other subjects from here as well. (My newsletters now include a direct link to the YL blog as well.)

I’d love to hear about your favorite books and websites, please share!

*Sometimes you can find the older editions at

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Spring Tips

OK, I know it’s cold and yucky in the Raleigh area but this too shall pass and soon we’ll be dealing with the pollen again. A couple of easy things to try for those springtime allergies are Young Living Lavender or Chamomile essential oils. Carefully dot them around your sinus areas, avoiding your eyes. You may also want to try lymphatic massage to clear your lymphatic system, as it will be working overtime!

And for those of us thinking about swimsuit season (Ack!), Young Living has a wonderful
massage oil that I use frequently with my clients called Cel-Lite Magic. It has lots of Grapefruit essential oil, which not only helps to clear the lymphatic system, it also helps smooth away the dreaded cellulite! (As an added bonus, it smells wonderful!)

What are your favorite spring tips using Young Living products? As always, t
o purchase these or any YL products contact me or click here.

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Friday, February 17, 2017

NingXia Red Power Shots!! Plus, an upcoming event!

Feeling adventurous? Blend NingXia Red with pure essential oils for a delicious power shot. Find five custom essential oil blends created by Club Red "bartenders" here. This powerful, whole-body supplement includes wolfberry and other superfoods designed to kickstart your day and support overall wellness.  

Conversely, if you need a burst of late afternoon energy, give NingXia Nitro a try. Designed to support body and mind wellness, this quick pick-me-up helps you get through the day without extra sugar or caffeine. Plus, the small, convenient packaging makes it a great addition to your office desk, gym bag or purse.
Special Event
Join Kaitlin* and Ceshele** Sunday, February 26, for Cocktails and Crystals! Enjoy a cocktail while you learn about crystals, chakra balancing and healing with essential oils. Handmade body products, crystals and real gemstone jewelry will be available for purchase. This is an open house event here at my office (110 Iowa Ln, Suite 201, Cary) from 3-6pm, but please RSVP so we know you’re coming.

During the open house, I will be offering Zyto Scans for only $5 (first time scans only, please). This non-invasive biofeedback technique helps determine which YL essential oils and products your body needs. It should be a fun afternoon!

*Kaitlin has been a licensed massage therapist for 9 years and loves every minute of it. She has worked with chiropractors as well as a physical therapist to help aid in clients' recovery. She then left the medical world and joined the spa life. Loving the Swedish and relaxation atmosphere, Kaitlin likes to incorporate both techniques into her massage sessions, as well as hot stones and aromatherapy. She has been sharing space with me for the last 3 years and loves making body scrubs for her clients to enjoy.

**Ceshele has been a licensed esthetician for twelve years. She got into the industry because she wanted to help women feel and see the beauty from within. For the past ten years, she’s incorporated crystals, Eastern remedies, and natural/ethereal body care into her treatments. She also uses her esthetic eye and vibrational knowledge to create handcrafted, unique and functional gemstone jewelry.

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 270-5868 (YLEO#401605)

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Using Essential Oils Safely

Let’s talk about essential oil safety this month, and let’s start with the most important guideline: only use essential oils and blends of the purest and highest quality. For me, this means Young Living and Young Living only. YL is truly the world leader for essential oils, blends and products, and there are many reasons for this distinction. The most important “resource” is Dr. Gary Young, the founder of the company, followed by the company’s worldwide network of farms (including co-op and partner farms) and qualified vendors. Every step of the way Young Living adheres to strict standards and extensive testing, both in house and with external labs. Check out the “Seed to Seal” process here.

I feel confident using YL products on myself and my clients. You can use them aromatically (inhalation), topically (on the skin) and internally (in a vegetable capsule, added to water/beverage, or when cooking).

When using on your skin, if you experience any irritation, DO NOT try to wash off! Just dilute the area with YL V-6 EnhancedVegetable Oil Complex or any pure vegetable/olive oil you have around the house. Also note that, for some people, citrus-based oils and blends may cause photosensitivity to the sun for a while after applying.

For internal use, Young Living is the only company I know of with an extensive dietary line of essential oils with FDA approval, called “Vitality.” If in doubt, check the product label for usage directions for any of their products.

Young Living even provides a helpful usage chart to help guide you in how to safely use their oils.

Do you have other questions? Contact me or let’s set up a fun party for you and some friends to further explore the world of essential oils! 

Joyce Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC 27511

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