My clients and
friends sometimes ask me how I choose which oil or blend to use. I have been
using Young Living Essential Oils for over 12 years, so I often
rely on my own experience. Sometimes I "just know." But when I’m
looking for additional insight, I find the "Essential Oils Desk Reference" invaluable –
not only for looking up specific conditions, but also for learning about and
understanding how they work.
Kinesiology (muscle testing) also helps me fine-tune
treatments, and I use this technique frequently in my practice. For example,
when a Raindrop Treatment is indicated, I can use kinesiology to determine if I
should use the standard oils or customize the treatment with other oils. Using
kinesiology allows my client's body to tell me which oils or blends will work
best for whatever issue is affecting them.
In addition, I have
recently started using the "Compass Scanner," which determines where
your body is out of balance and then indicates which Young Living products will
help restore that balance. Seeing the scanner report sometimes leads me to
delve deeper with my own kinesiology into other ways that will help the client.
An easy tool for
anyone with Internet access is Here you can
search by keyword to find hundreds of testimonials from people all over the
world sharing how they have used the oils with success for specific conditions.
Or call to schedule
an appointment with me! If you wish to try the Compass Scanner, your first scan
is free!
Phelps Stephens, NCLMBT #2272
110 Iowa
Lane, Suite 201
Cary, NC